All Classes and Interfaces

This is the base-class for all service-loadable factory classes, that build the Lucene Analyzer instances that are available to the fulltext schema index.
Type of tokens to use with Schema.indexFor(AnyTokens) to create IndexType.LOOKUP indexes.
Represents a description of a bidirectional traversal.
In a bidirectional traversal there's one traversal from each start/end side and they will probably meet somewhere in the middle and the full paths are formed.
A catalogue of convenient branch collision policies, see BranchCollisionPolicy
A `BranchCollisionPolicy` defines when a collision is detected and accepted in a bidirectional traversal, see BidirectionalTraversalDescription.
A catalog of convenient branch ordering policies.
Creator of BranchSelector instances with a starting point to base the first decision on.
Decides "where to go next" in a traversal.
Accessor for a state associated with a TraversalBranch during a traversal.
Config which is shared between connectors.
Provide the basic operation that one could perform on a set of configurations.
A builder for entering details about a constraint to create.
Definition of a constraint.
Constraint type.
Thrown when the database is asked to modify data in a way that violates one or more constraints that it is expected to uphold.
This marks a field in a class with Procedure methods as part of the context the procedure is invoked in.
A coordinate is used to describe a position in space.
In order to make the solving of shortest path problems as general as possible, the algorithms accept objects handling all relevant tasks regarding costs of paths.
In order to make the solving of shortest path problems as general as possible, the algorithms accept objects handling all relevant tasks regarding costs of paths.
A coordinate reference system (CRS) determines how a $Coordinate should be interpreted
A DatabaseManagementService tried to drop a database with an alias.
Event context propagated to database event listeners as part of any event notification.
Event listener interface for independent database life cycle events.
A DatabaseManagementService tried to create a new database, but a database with that name already exists.
A DatabaseManagementService tried to create a Database but the total limit of databases is already reached.
General exception, thrown in the event of errors when managing individual databases.
The DatabaseManagementService provides an API to manage databases and provided access to the managed database services.
Creates a DatabaseManagementService with Community Edition features.
A DatabaseManagementService tried to perform some operation on a database, but no database with that name currently exists.
A procedure can optionally be annotated with a @Description("a description").
Defines relationship directions used when getting relationships from a node or when creating traversers.
Duration Range derived from configuration.
Creates a DatabaseManagementService with Enterprise Edition features.
Enterprise Neo4j JUnit 5 Extension.
Enterprise Neo4j JUnit rule.
An Entity is a Entity that is persisted in the database, and identified by an getElementId() element id}.
Evaluator used to estimate the weight of the remaining path from one node to another.
An Evaluator controls what's to be returned from a traversal and also how pruning is done.
Exposes an Evaluator as a PathEvaluator.
Common Evaluators useful during common traversals.
Instances describe single execution steps in a Cypher query execution plan Execution plans form a tree of execution steps.
Instances describe statistics from the profiler of a particular step in the execution plan.
A geometry is defined by a list of coordinates and a coordinate reference system.
Simple globbing pattern with support for '*' and '?'.
Static factory methods for the recommended implementations of common graph algorithms for Neo4j.
GraphDatabaseService represents a graph database and is used to create new transactions with GraphDatabaseService.beginTx().
A group of settings that can represented in multiple instances.
A builder for entering details about an index to create.
Definition for an index.
This class is simply a progress counter of indexing population progress.
Index settings are used for fine-tuning the behaviour of schema indexes.
The index type describes the overall behaviour and performance profile of an index.
Factory for initial state of TraversalBranches in a traversal.
Branch state evaluator for an initial state.
An input position refers to a specific point in a query string.
A label is a grouping facility for Node where all nodes having a label are part of the same group.
Represents an assigned or removed label for a node.
An acquired lock on an entity for a transaction, acquired from Transaction.acquireWriteLock(Entity) or Transaction.acquireReadLock(Entity) this lock can be released manually using Lock.release().
A log into which various levels of messages can be written
Used to obtain a InternalLog for a specified context
The procedure mode affects how the procedure will execute, and which capabilities it requires.
This exception will be thrown when one or less entities were expected, yet multiple were found.
This defines the name of an input argument for a procedure.
Community Neo4j JUnit 5 Extension.
Neo4jExtension extension builder.
Community Neo4j JUnit rule.
A node in the graph with properties and relationships to other entities.
This exception will be thrown if a request is made to a node, relationship or property that does not exist.
Representation for notifications found when executing a query.
Thrown when attempting to access or modify the graph outside of a transaction.
Represents a path in the graph.
A PathEvaluator controls what's to be returned from a traversal and also how pruning is done.
Adapter for PathEvaluator.
An expander of relationships.
A fluent builder for creating specialized path expanders.
A catalog of convenient PathExpander factory methods.
PathFinder<P extends Path>
Interface of algorithms that finds paths in between two nodes.
Utilities for Path objects.
The default Paths.PathDescriptor used in common toString() representations in classes implementing Path.
Provides hooks to help build a string representation of a Path.
A point is a geometry described by a single coordinate in space.
Declares a method as a Procedure, meaning the method can be called from the cypher query language.
Represents a changed property.
This exception is thrown from the execute method when there is an error during the execution of a query.
Signifies how a query is executed, as well as what side effects and results could be expected from the query.
Signifies what type of query an QueryExecutionType executes.
Represents statistics about the effects of a query.
A relationship between two nodes in the graph.
A relationship type is mandatory on all relationships and is used to navigate the graph.
Resource that should be closed when not needed anymore.
Iterable whose iterators have associated resources that need to be released.
Closeable Iterator with associated resources.
Represents the result of executing a query.
Describes a row of a result.
This is the visitor interface you need to implement to use the Result.accept(ResultVisitor) method.
Interface used in GraphDatabaseService for consuming and transforming results of queries that are executed by the database service in separate isolated managed transaction.
Interface for managing the schema of your graph database.
The states that an index can be in.
Settings that can be provided in configurations are represented by instances of this interface.
Interface to allow service loading of Setting instances.
SeverityLevel indicates to a client the severity of a notification.
Dictates which side is the current side in a bidirectional traversal to traverse the next step for.
A catalogue of convenient side selector policies for use in bidirectional traversals.
A factory for SideSelectors.
Socket address derived from configuration.
The string search mode is used together with a value template to find nodes of interest.
A programmatically handled transaction.
Represents the data that has changed during the course of one transaction.
An event handler interface for transaction events.
Signals that a transaction failed and has been rolled back.
Signals that the transaction within which the failed operations ran has been terminated with Transaction.terminate().
Represents a position and a PathExpander with a traversal context, for example parent and an iterator of relationships to go next.
Provides a context for TraversalBranches which they need to move further and report their progress.
Represents a description of a traversal.
Provides metadata about a traversal.
This interface represents the traverser which is used to step through the results of a traversal.
A catalog of convenient uniqueness factories.
Factory for UniquenessFilter filters, it can supply the created UniquenessFilter with an optional parameter which is up to the filter itself to validate and make sense of.
Interface for filters preventing the traversal from visiting already seen parts of the graph.
Declares a method as an aggregation function, meaning the method can be called from the cypher query language.
Declares a method as the result method of an aggregation.
Declares a method as the update method of an aggregation.
Declares a method as a Function, meaning the method can be called from the cypher query language.
A Path that has an associated weight.