Interface Traverser

All Superinterfaces:

public interface Traverser extends Iterable<Path>
This interface represents the traverser which is used to step through the results of a traversal. Each step can be represented in different ways. The default is as Path objects which all other representations can be derived from, i.e Node or Relationship. Each step can also be represented in one of those representations directly.
  • Method Details

    • nodes

      Iterable<Node> nodes()
      Represents the traversal in the form of Nodes. This is a convenient way to iterate over Paths and get the Path.endNode() for each position.
      the traversal in the form of Node objects.
    • relationships

      Iterable<Relationship> relationships()
      Represents the traversal in the form of Relationships. This is a convenient way to iterate over Paths and get the Path.lastRelationship() for each position.
      the traversal in the form of Relationship objects.
    • iterator

      Iterator<Path> iterator()
      Represents the traversal in the form of Paths. When a traversal is done and haven't been fully iterated through, it should be closed.
      the traversal in the form of Path objects.
    • metadata

      TraversalMetadata metadata()
      the TraversalMetadata from the last traversal performed, or being performed by this traverser.