Interface ExecutionPlanDescription

public interface ExecutionPlanDescription
Instances describe single execution steps in a Cypher query execution plan Execution plans form a tree of execution steps. Each step is described by a ExecutionPlanDescription object.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Retrieves the name of this execution step.
      descriptive name for this kind of execution step
    • getChildren

      Retrieves the children of this execution step.
      list of previous (child) execution step descriptions
    • getArguments

      Map<String,Object> getArguments()
      Retrieve argument map for the associated execution step Valid arguments are all Java primitive values, Strings, Arrays of those, and Maps from Strings to valid arguments. Results are guaranteed to be trees (i.e. there are no cyclic dependencies among values)
      a map containing arguments that describe this execution step in more detail
    • getIdentifiers

      Set<String> getIdentifiers()
      the set of identifiers used in this execution step
    • hasProfilerStatistics

      boolean hasProfilerStatistics()
      Signifies that the query was profiled, and that statistics from the profiling can be retrieved. The PROFILE directive in Cypher ensures the presence of profiler statistics in the plan description.
      true, if ExecutionPlanDescription.ProfilerStatistics are available for this execution step
    • getProfilerStatistics

      Retrieve the statistics collected from profiling this query. If the query was not profiled, this method will throw NoSuchElementException.
      profiler statistics for this execution step iff available
      NoSuchElementException - iff profiler statistics are not available