Annotation Interface Procedure

@Target(METHOD) @Retention(RUNTIME) public @interface Procedure
Declares a method as a Procedure, meaning the method can be called from the cypher query language.

Procedures accept input, use that input to perform work, and then return a Stream of Records. The work performed usually involves one or more resources, such as a GraphDatabaseService.

A procedure is associated with one of the following modes READ allows only reading the graph (default mode) WRITE allows reading and writing the graph SCHEMA allows reading the graphs and performing schema operations DBMS allows managing the database (i.e. change password)

Input declaration

A procedure can accept input arguments, which is defined in the arguments to the annotated method. Each method argument must be a valid Procedure input type, and each must be annotated with the Name annotation, declaring the input name.

Valid input types are as follows:

Output declaration

A procedure must always return a Stream of Records, or nothing. The record is defined per procedure, as a class with only public, non-final fields. The types, order and names of the fields in this class define the format of the returned records.

Valid field types are as follows:

Resource declarations

The procedure method itself can contain arbitrary Java code - but in order to work with the underlying graph, it must have access to the graph API. This is done by declaring fields in the procedure class, and annotating them with the Context annotation. Fields declared this way are automatically injected with the requested resource. This is how procedures gain access to APIs to do work with.

All fields in the class containing the procedure declaration must either be static; or it must be public, non-final and annotated with Context.

Resources supported by default are as follows:

Lifecycle and state

The class that declares your procedure method may be re-instantiated before each call. Because of this, no regular state can be stored in the fields of the procedure.

If you want to maintain state between invocations to your procedure, simply use a static field. Note that procedures may be called concurrently, meaning you need to take care to ensure the state you store in static fields can be safely accessed by multiple callers simultaneously.

  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    When deprecating a procedure it is useful to indicate a possible replacement procedure that clients might show in warnings.
    Cypher normally streams data lazily between operations, but for read-write queries this can cause side effects that can only be solved using Eager operators between the read and write components.
    A procedure is associated with one of the following modes READ allows only reading the graph (default mode) WRITE allows reading and writing the graph SCHEMA allows reading the graphs and performing schema operations DBMS allows managing the database (i.e.
    Synonym for value()
    The namespace and name for the procedure, as a period-separated string.
  • Element Details

    • value

      String value
      The namespace and name for the procedure, as a period-separated string. For instance myprocedures.myprocedure. If this is left empty, the name defaults to the package name of the class the procedure is declared in, combined with the method name. Notably, the class name is omitted.
      the namespace and procedure name.
    • name

      String name
      Synonym for value()
      the namespace and procedure name.
    • mode

      Mode mode
      A procedure is associated with one of the following modes READ allows only reading the graph (default mode) WRITE allows reading and writing the graph SCHEMA allows reading the graphs and performing schema operations DBMS allows managing the database (i.e. change password)
      the associated mode.
    • eager

      boolean eager
      Cypher normally streams data lazily between operations, but for read-write queries this can cause side effects that can only be solved using Eager operators between the read and write components. Cypher can plan this for you for pure Cypher queries, but when you include a WRITE procedure into the query the planner will not know enough about the internals of the procedure to figure this out. If the procedure can perform updates (like deletes) that might negatively impact preceding reads in the Cypher query, then set this annotation attribute to true, so that all reads will be completed before calling the procedure. Note that this does not prevent the procedure from negatively interacting with itself, and developers still need to catch and deal with relevant exceptions themselves.
    • deprecatedBy

      String deprecatedBy
      When deprecating a procedure it is useful to indicate a possible replacement procedure that clients might show in warnings.
      a string representation of the replacement procedure.