5.6. Co-favorited places

5.6.1. Co-favorited places — users who like x also like y
5.6.2. Co-Tagged places — places related through tags

Figure 5.4. Graph

5.6.1. Co-favorited places — users who like x also like y

Find places that people also like who favorite this place:

  • Determine who has favorited place x.
  • What else have they favorited that is not place x.


MATCH (place)<-[:favorite]-(person)-[:favorite]->(stuff)
WHERE place.name = 'CoffeeShop1'
RETURN stuff.name, count(*)
ORDER BY count(*) DESC , stuff.name

The list of places that are favorited by people that favorited the start place.


3 rows







Try this query live. create (_0 {`name`:"SaunaX"}) create (_1 {`name`:"CoffeeShop1"}) create (_2 {`name`:"MelsPlace"}) create (_3 {`name`:"CoffeeShop3"}) create (_4 {`name`:"Cool"}) create (_5 {`name`:"CoffeeShop2"}) create (_6 {`name`:"CoffeShop2"}) create (_7 {`name`:"Cosy"}) create (_8 {`name`:"Jill"}) create (_9 {`name`:"Joe"}) create _1-[:`tagged`]->_4 create _1-[:`tagged`]->_7 create _2-[:`tagged`]->_7 create _2-[:`tagged`]->_4 create _3-[:`tagged`]->_7 create _5-[:`tagged`]->_4 create _8-[:`favorite`]->_1 create _8-[:`favorite`]->_2 create _8-[:`favorite`]->_6 create _9-[:`favorite`]->_1 create _9-[:`favorite`]->_0 create _9-[:`favorite`]->_2 MATCH (place)<-[:favorite]-(person)-[:favorite]->(stuff) WHERE place.name = 'CoffeeShop1' RETURN stuff.name, count(*) ORDER BY count(*) DESC, stuff.name

5.6.2. Co-Tagged places — places related through tags

Find places that are tagged with the same tags:

  • Determine the tags for place x.
  • What else is tagged the same as x that is not x.


MATCH (place)-[:tagged]->(tag)<-[:tagged]-(otherPlace)
WHERE place.name = 'CoffeeShop1'
RETURN otherPlace.name, collect(tag.name)
ORDER BY length(collect(tag.name)) DESC , otherPlace.name

This query returns other places than CoffeeShop1 which share the same tags; they are ranked by the number of tags.


3 rows







Try this query live. create (_0 {`name`:"SaunaX"}) create (_1 {`name`:"CoffeeShop1"}) create (_2 {`name`:"MelsPlace"}) create (_3 {`name`:"CoffeeShop3"}) create (_4 {`name`:"Cool"}) create (_5 {`name`:"CoffeeShop2"}) create (_6 {`name`:"CoffeShop2"}) create (_7 {`name`:"Cosy"}) create (_8 {`name`:"Jill"}) create (_9 {`name`:"Joe"}) create _1-[:`tagged`]->_4 create _1-[:`tagged`]->_7 create _2-[:`tagged`]->_7 create _2-[:`tagged`]->_4 create _3-[:`tagged`]->_7 create _5-[:`tagged`]->_4 create _8-[:`favorite`]->_1 create _8-[:`favorite`]->_2 create _8-[:`favorite`]->_6 create _9-[:`favorite`]->_1 create _9-[:`favorite`]->_0 create _9-[:`favorite`]->_2 MATCH (place)-[:tagged]->(tag)<-[:tagged]-(otherPlace) WHERE place.name = 'CoffeeShop1' RETURN otherPlace.name, collect(tag.name) ORDER BY length(collect(tag.name)) DESC, otherPlace.name