8.1. Operators

8.1.1. Mathematical operators
8.1.2. Comparison operators
8.1.3. Boolean operators
8.1.4. String operators
8.1.5. Collection operators
8.1.6. Property operators

8.1.1. Mathematical operators

The mathematical operators are +, -, *, / and %, ^.

8.1.2. Comparison operators

The comparison operators are =, <>, <, >, <=, >=.

8.1.3. Boolean operators

The boolean operators are AND, OR, XOR, NOT.

8.1.4. String operators

Strings can be concatenated using the + operator.

8.1.5. Collection operators

Collections can be concatenated using the + operator. To check if an element exists in a collection, you can use the IN operator.

8.1.6. Property operators


Since version 2.0, the previously existing property operators ? and ! have been removed. This syntax is no longer supported. Missing properties are now returned as null. Please use (NOT(has(<ident>.prop)) OR <ident>.prop=<value>) if you really need the old behavior of the ? operator. — Also, the use of ? for optional relationships has been removed in favor of the newly introduced OPTIONAL MATCH clause.