11.5. Patterns

11.5.1. Patterns for related nodes
11.5.2. Working with relationships
11.5.3. Optional relationships
11.5.4. Controlling depth
11.5.5. Assigning to path identifiers
11.5.6. Setting properties

Patterns are at the very core of Cypher, and are used in a lot of different places. Using patterns, you describe the shape of the data that you are looking for. Patterns are used in the MATCH clause. Path patterns are expressions. Since these expressions are collections, they can also be used as predicates (a non-empty collection signifies true). They are also used to CREATE/CREATE UNIQUE the graph.

So, understanding patterns is important, to be able to be effective with Cypher.

You describe the pattern, and Cypher will figure out how to get that data for you. The idea is for you to draw your query on a whiteboard, naming the interesting parts of the pattern, so you can then use values from these parts to create the result set you are looking for.

Patterns have bound points, or starting points. They are the parts of the pattern that are already “bound” to a set of graph nodes or relationships. All parts of the pattern must be directly or indirectly connected to a starting point — a pattern where parts of the pattern are not reachable from any starting point will be rejected.

ClauseOptionalMultiple rel. typesVarlengthPathsMaps













Create Unique












11.5.1. Patterns for related nodes

The description of the pattern is made up of one or more paths, separated by commas. A path is a sequence of nodes and relationships that always start and end in nodes. An example path would be:


This is a path starting from the pattern node a, with an outgoing relationship from it to pattern node b.

Paths can be of arbitrary length, and the same node may appear in multiple places in the path.

Node identifiers can be used with or without surrounding parenthesis. The following match is semantically identical to the one we saw above — the difference is purely aesthetic.


If you don’t care about a node, you don’t need to name it. Empty parenthesis are used for these nodes, like so:


11.5.2. Working with relationships

If you need to work with the relationship between two nodes, you can name it.


If you don’t care about the direction of the relationship, you can omit the arrow at either end of the relationship, like this:


Relationships have types. When you are only interested in a specific relationship type, you can specify this like so:


If multiple relationship types are acceptable, you can list them, separating them with the pipe symbol | like this:


This pattern matches a relationship of type TYPE1 or TYPE2, going from a to b. The relationship is named r. Multiple relationship types can not be used with CREATE or CREATE UNIQUE.

11.5.3. Optional relationships

An optional relationship is matched when it is found, but replaced by a null otherwise. Normally, if no matching relationship is found, that sub-graph is not matched. Optional relationships could be called the Cypher equivalent of the outer join in SQL.

They can only be used in MATCH.

Optional relationships are marked with a question mark. They allow you to write queries like this one:


START me=node(*)
MATCH me-->friend-[?]->friend_of_friend
RETURN friend, friend_of_friend

Try this query live. (1) {"name":"Dilshad"} (2) {"name":"Emil"} (3) {"name":"Filipa"} (4) {"name":"Anders"} (5) {"name":"Becky"} (6) {"name":"Cesar"} (1)-[:KNOWS]->(3) {} (4)-[:KNOWS]->(5) {} (4)-[:KNOWS]->(6) {} (4)-[:KNOWS]->(1) {} (5)-[:KNOWS]->(2) {} (6)-[:KNOWS]->(2) {} START me=node(*) MATCH me-->friend-[?]->friend_of_friend RETURN friend, friend_of_friend

The query above says “for every person, give me all their friends, and their friends friends, if they have any.”

Optionality is transitive — if a part of the pattern can only be reached from a bound point through an optional relationship, that part is also optional. In the pattern above, the only bound point in the pattern is me. Since the relationship between friend and children is optional, children is an optional part of the graph.

Also, named paths that contain optional parts are also optional — if any part of the path is null, the whole path is null.

In the following examples, b and p are all optional and can contain null:


START a=node(4)
MATCH p = a-[?]->b

Try this query live. (1) {"name":"Dilshad"} (2) {"name":"Emil"} (3) {"name":"Filipa"} (4) {"name":"Anders"} (5) {"name":"Becky"} (6) {"name":"Cesar"} (1)-[:KNOWS]->(3) {} (4)-[:KNOWS]->(5) {} (4)-[:KNOWS]->(6) {} (4)-[:KNOWS]->(1) {} (5)-[:KNOWS]->(2) {} (6)-[:KNOWS]->(2) {} START a=node(4) MATCH p = a-[?]->b RETURN b


START a=node(4)
MATCH p = a-[?*]->b

Try this query live. (1) {"name":"Dilshad"} (2) {"name":"Emil"} (3) {"name":"Filipa"} (4) {"name":"Anders"} (5) {"name":"Becky"} (6) {"name":"Cesar"} (1)-[:KNOWS]->(3) {} (4)-[:KNOWS]->(5) {} (4)-[:KNOWS]->(6) {} (4)-[:KNOWS]->(1) {} (5)-[:KNOWS]->(2) {} (6)-[:KNOWS]->(2) {} START a=node(4) MATCH p = a-[?*]->b RETURN b


START a=node(4)
MATCH p = a-[?]->x-->b

Try this query live. (1) {"name":"Dilshad"} (2) {"name":"Emil"} (3) {"name":"Filipa"} (4) {"name":"Anders"} (5) {"name":"Becky"} (6) {"name":"Cesar"} (1)-[:KNOWS]->(3) {} (4)-[:KNOWS]->(5) {} (4)-[:KNOWS]->(6) {} (4)-[:KNOWS]->(1) {} (5)-[:KNOWS]->(2) {} (6)-[:KNOWS]->(2) {} START a=node(4) MATCH p = a-[?]->x-->b RETURN b


START a=node(4), x=node(3)
MATCH p = shortestPath( a-[?*]->x )

Try this query live. (1) {"name":"Dilshad"} (2) {"name":"Emil"} (3) {"name":"Filipa"} (4) {"name":"Anders"} (5) {"name":"Becky"} (6) {"name":"Cesar"} (1)-[:KNOWS]->(3) {} (4)-[:KNOWS]->(5) {} (4)-[:KNOWS]->(6) {} (4)-[:KNOWS]->(1) {} (5)-[:KNOWS]->(2) {} (6)-[:KNOWS]->(2) {} START a=node(4), x=node(3) MATCH p = shortestPath( a-[?*]->x ) RETURN p

11.5.4. Controlling depth

A pattern relationship can span multiple graph relationships. These are called variable length relationships, and are marked as such using an asterisk (*):


This signifies a path starting on the pattern node a, following only outgoing relationships, until it reaches pattern node b. Any number of relationships can be followed searching for a path to b, so this can be a very expensive query, depending on what your graph looks like.

You can set a minimum set of steps that can be taken, and/or the maximum number of steps:


This is a variable length relationship containing at least three graph relationships, and at most five.

Variable length relationships can not be used with CREATE and CREATE UNIQUE.

As a simple example, let’s take the query below:


START me=node(3)
MATCH me-[:KNOWS*1..2]-remote_friend
RETURN remote_friend


0 row

(empty result)

Try this query live. (1) {"name":"Dilshad"} (2) {"name":"Emil"} (3) {"name":"Filipa"} (4) {"name":"Anders"} (5) {"name":"Becky"} (6) {"name":"Cesar"} (1)-[:KNOWS]->(3) {} (4)-[:KNOWS]->(5) {} (4)-[:KNOWS]->(6) {} (4)-[:KNOWS]->(1) {} (5)-[:KNOWS]->(2) {} (6)-[:KNOWS]->(2) {} START me=node(3) MATCH me-[:KNOWS*1..2]-remote_friend RETURN remote_friend

This query starts from one node, and follows KNOWS relationships two or three steps out, and then stops.

11.5.5. Assigning to path identifiers

In a graph database, a path is a very important concept. A path is a collection of nodes and relationships, that describe a path in the graph. To assign a path to a path identifier, you simply assign a path pattern to an identifier, like so:

p = (a)-[*3..5]->(b)

You can do this in MATCH, CREATE and CREATE UNIQUE, but not when using patterns as expressions. Example of the three in a single query:


START me=node(3)
MATCH p1 = me-[*2]-friendOfFriend
CREATE p2 = me-[:MARRIED_TO]-(wife {name:"Gunhild"})
CREATE UNIQUE p3 = wife-[:KNOWS]-friendOfFriend
RETURN p1,p2,p3

Try this query live. (1) {"name":"Dilshad"} (2) {"name":"Emil"} (3) {"name":"Filipa"} (4) {"name":"Anders"} (5) {"name":"Becky"} (6) {"name":"Cesar"} (1)-[:KNOWS]->(3) {} (4)-[:KNOWS]->(5) {} (4)-[:KNOWS]->(6) {} (4)-[:KNOWS]->(1) {} (5)-[:KNOWS]->(2) {} (6)-[:KNOWS]->(2) {} START me=node(3) MATCH p1 = me-[*2]-friendOfFriend CREATE p2 = me-[:MARRIED_TO]-(wife {name:"Gunhild"}) CREATE UNIQUE p3 = wife-[:KNOWS]-friendOfFriend RETURN p1,p2,p3

11.5.6. Setting properties

Nodes and relationships are important, but Neo4j uses properties on both of these to allow for far denser graphs models.

Properties are expressed in patterns using the map-construct, which is simply curly brackets surrounding a number of key-expression pairs, separated by commas, e.g. { name: "Andres", sport: "BJJ" }. If the map is supplied through a parameter, the normal parameter expression is used: { paramName }.

Maps are only used by CREATE and CREATE UNIQUE. In CREATE they are used to set the properties on the newly created nodes and relationships.

When used with CREATE UNIQUE, they are used to try to match a pattern element with the corresponding graph element. The match is successful if the properties on the pattern element can be matched exactly against properties on the graph elements. The graph element can have additional properties, and they do not affect the match. If Neo4j fails to find matching graph elements, the maps is used to set the properties on the newly created elements.