33.2. Areas for contribution

33.2.1. Neo4j Distribution
33.2.2. Maintaining Neo4j Documentation
33.2.3. Drivers and bindings to Neo4j

Neo4j is a project with a vast ecosystem and a lot of space for contributions. Where you can and want to pitch in depends of course on your time, skill set and interests. Below are some of the areas that might interest you:

33.2.1. Neo4j Distribution

33.2.2. Maintaining Neo4j Documentation

Some parts of the documentation need extra care from the community to stay up to date. They typically refer to different kinds of community contributions. Below is a list of such places, feel free to look into them and check for outdated or missing content! The easiest way to contribute fixes is to comment at the online HTML version.

33.2.3. Drivers and bindings to Neo4j