
Package org.neo4j.graphdb.traversal

Traversal framework.


Interface Summary
BidirectionalTraversalDescription Represents a description of a bidirectional traversal.
BranchCollisionDetector In a bidirectional traversal there's one traversal from each start/end side and they will probably meet somewhere in the middle and the full paths are formed.
BranchOrderingPolicy Creator of BranchSelector instances with a starting point to base the first decision on.
BranchSelector Decides "where to go next" in a traversal.
BranchState<STATE> Accessor for a state associated with a TraversalBranch during a traversal.
Evaluator An Evaluator controls what's to be returned from a traversal and also how pruning is done.
InitialBranchState<STATE> Factory for initial state of TraversalBranches in a traversal.
InitialStateFactory<STATE> Deprecated. use InitialStateFactory.AsInitialBranchState instead, which has got InitialStateFactory.AsInitialBranchState.reverse() as well.
PathEvaluator<STATE> A PathEvaluator controls what's to be returned from a traversal and also how pruning is done.
PruneEvaluator Deprecated. because of the introduction of Evaluator which combines PruneEvaluator and filtering (Predicate of Paths).
SideSelector Dictates which side is the current side in a bidirectional traversal to traverse the next step for.
SideSelectorPolicy A factory for SideSelectors.
TraversalBranch Represents a position and a RelationshipExpander with a traversal context, for example parent and an iterator of relationships to go next.
TraversalContext Provides a context for TraversalBranches which they need to move further and report their progress.
TraversalDescription Represents a description of a traversal.
TraversalMetadata Provides metadata about a traversal.
Traverser This interface represents the traverser which is used to step through the results of a traversal.
UniquenessFactory Factory for UniquenessFilter filters, it can supply the created UniquenessFilter with an optional parameter which is up to the filter itself to validate and make sense of.

Class Summary
Evaluator.AsPathEvaluator<STATE> Exposes an Evaluator as a PathEvaluator.
Evaluators Common Evaluators useful during common traversals.
InitialBranchState.State<STATE> Branch state evaluator for an initial state.
InitialStateFactory.AsInitialBranchState<STATE> Wraps an InitialStateFactory in a InitialBranchState
PathEvaluator.Adapter<STATE> Adapter for PathEvaluator.
Sorting Provides some common traversal sorting, used by TraversalDescription.sort(Comparator).

Enum Summary
Evaluation Outcome of Evaluator.evaluate(org.neo4j.graphdb.Path).

Package org.neo4j.graphdb.traversal Description

Traversal framework.


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