
Interface ReadableIndex<T extends PropertyContainer>

Type Parameters:
T - The Primitive this Index holds
All Known Subinterfaces:
Index<T>, ReadableRelationshipIndex, RelationshipIndex

public interface ReadableIndex<T extends PropertyContainer>

An index that allows for read only operations. Can also be seen as a chopped down version of Index that disallows mutating operations.

Method Summary
 IndexHits<T> get(String key, Object value)
          Returns exact matches from this index, given the key/value pair.
 Class<T> getEntityType()
 GraphDatabaseService getGraphDatabase()
          Get the graph database that owns this index.
 String getName()
 boolean isWriteable()
          A ReadableIndex is possible to support mutating operations as well.
 IndexHits<T> query(Object queryOrQueryObject)
          Returns matches from this index based on the supplied query object, which can be a query string or an implementation-specific query object.
 IndexHits<T> query(String key, Object queryOrQueryObject)
          Returns matches from this index based on the supplied key and query object, which can be a query string or an implementation-specific query object.

Method Detail


String getName()
the name of the index, i.e. the name this index was created with.


Class<T> getEntityType()
the type of entities are managed by this index.


IndexHits<T> get(String key,
                 Object value)
Returns exact matches from this index, given the key/value pair. Matches will be for key/value pairs just as they were added by the Index.add(PropertyContainer, String, Object) method.

key - the key in the key/value pair to match.
value - the value in the key/value pair to match.
the result wrapped in an IndexHits object. If the entire result set isn't looped through, IndexHits.close() must be called before disposing of the result.


IndexHits<T> query(String key,
                   Object queryOrQueryObject)
Returns matches from this index based on the supplied key and query object, which can be a query string or an implementation-specific query object.

key - the key in this query.
queryOrQueryObject - the query for the key to match.
the result wrapped in an IndexHits object. If the entire result set isn't looped through, IndexHits.close() must be called before disposing of the result.


IndexHits<T> query(Object queryOrQueryObject)
Returns matches from this index based on the supplied query object, which can be a query string or an implementation-specific query object.

queryOrQueryObject - the query to match.
the result wrapped in an IndexHits object. If the entire result set isn't looped through, IndexHits.close() must be called before disposing of the result.


boolean isWriteable()
A ReadableIndex is possible to support mutating operations as well. This method returns true iff such operations are supported by the implementation.

true iff mutating operations are supported.


GraphDatabaseService getGraphDatabase()
Get the graph database that owns this index.

the graph database that owns this index.


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