5.1. Hyperedges and Cypher

5.1.1. Find Groups
5.1.2. Find all groups and roles for a user

Imagine a user being part of different groups. A group can have different roles, and a user can be part of different groups. He also can have different roles in different groups apart from the membership. The association of a User, a Group and a Role can be referred to as a HyperEdge. However, it can be easily modeled in a property graph as a node that captures this n-ary relationship, as depicted below in the U1G2R1 node.



5.1.1. Find Groups

To find out in what roles a user is for a particular groups (here Group2), the following Cypher Query can traverse this HyperEdge node and provide answers.


START n=node:node_auto_index(name = "User1")
MATCH n-[:hasRoleInGroup]->hyperEdge-[:hasGroup]->group, hyperEdge-[:hasRole]->role
WHERE group.name = "Group2"
RETURN role.name

The role of User1:


1 rows, 4 ms


5.1.2. Find all groups and roles for a user

Here, find all groups and the roles a user has, sorted by the roles names.


START n=node:node_auto_index(name = "User1")
MATCH n-[:hasRoleInGroup]->hyperEdge-[:hasGroup]->group, hyperEdge-[:hasRole]->role
RETURN role.name, group.name
ORDER BY role.name ASC

The groups and roles of User1


2 rows, 4 ms



