Part I. Reference Documentation

Table of Contents

1. Installation & Deployment
1.1. Deployment Scenarios
1.2. System Requirements
1.3. Installation
1.4. Upgrading
1.5. Usage Data Collector
2. Configuration & Performance
2.1. Caches in Neo4j
2.2. JVM Settings
2.3. File system tuning for high IO
2.4. Compressed storage of short strings
3. Transaction management
3.1. Interaction cycle
3.2. Isolation levels
3.3. Default locking behavior
3.4. Deadlocks
3.5. Delete semantics
4. Cypher Query Language
4.1. Identifiers
4.2. Start
4.3. Match
4.4. Where
4.5. Return
4.6. Aggregation
4.7. Order by
4.8. Skip
4.9. Limit
5. Neo4j Server
5.1. Server Installation
5.2. Server Configuration
5.3. Setup for remote debugging
5.4. Starting the Neo4j server in high availability mode
5.5. Using the server with an embedded database
5.6. Server Plugins
5.7. Tuning the server performance
5.8. Unmanaged Extensions
6.1. Service root
6.2. Nodes
6.3. Relationships
6.4. Relationship types
6.5. Node properties
6.6. Relationship properties
6.7. Indexes
6.8. Traversals
6.9. Built-in Graph Algorithms
6.10. Batch operations
6.11. Gremlin Plugin
6.12. Cypher Plugin
7. Indexing
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Create
7.3. Delete
7.4. Add
7.5. Remove
7.6. Update
7.7. Search
7.8. Relationship indexes
7.9. Scores
7.10. Configuration and fulltext indexes
7.11. Extra features for Lucene indexes
7.12. Batch insertion
7.13. Auto Indexing
8. Graph Algorithms
8.1. Introduction
9. High Availability
9.1. Architecture
9.2. Setup and configuration
9.3. How Neo4j HA operates
10. Operations
10.1. Backup
10.2. Security
10.3. Monitoring