4.3. Match

4.3.1. Related nodes
4.3.2. Outgoing relationships
4.3.3. Directed relationships and identifier
4.3.4. Match by relationship type
4.3.5. Match by relationship type and use an identifier
4.3.6. Multiple relationships
4.3.7. Complex matching

In the match part of a query, the pattern is described. The description of the pattern is made up of one or more paths, separated by commas.

All parts of the pattern must be directly or indirectly bound to a start point.

4.3.1. Related nodes

The symbol — means related to, without regard to type or direction.


start n=(3) match (n)--(x) return x

All nodes related to A are returned


 | x                  |
 | Node[4]{name->"B"} |
 | Node[1]{name->"D"} |
 | Node[5]{name->"C"} |
 3 rows, 1 ms

4.3.2. Outgoing relationships

When the direction of a relationship is interesting, it is shown by using --> or <--, like this:


start n=(3) match (n)-->(x) return x

All nodes that A has outgoing relationships to.


 | x                  |
 | Node[4]{name->"B"} |
 | Node[5]{name->"C"} |
 2 rows, 1 ms

4.3.3. Directed relationships and identifier

If an identifier is needed, either for filtering on properties of the relationship, or to return the relationship, this is how you introduce the identifier.


start n=(3) match (n)-[r]->() return r

All outgoing relationships from node A.


 | r             |
 | :KNOWS[0] {}  |
 | :BLOCKS[1] {} |
 2 rows, 1 ms

4.3.4. Match by relationship type

When you know the relationship type you want to match on, you can specify it by using a colon.


start n=(3) match (n)-[:BLOCKS]->(x) return x

All nodes that are BLOCKed by A.


 | x                  |
 | Node[5]{name->"C"} |
 1 rows, 1 ms

4.3.5. Match by relationship type and use an identifier

If you both want to introduce an identifier to hold the relationship, and specify the relationship type you want, just add them both, like this.


start n=(3) match (n)-[r:BLOCKS]->() return r

All BLOCK relationship going out from A.


 | r             |
 | :BLOCKS[1] {} |
 1 rows, 1 ms

4.3.6. Multiple relationships

Relationships can be expressed by using multiple statements in the form of ()--(), or they can be stringed together, like this:


start a=(3) match (a)-[:KNOWS]->(b)-[:KNOWS]->(c) return a,b,c

The three nodes in the path.


 | a                  | b                  | c                  |
 | Node[3]{name->"A"} | Node[4]{name->"B"} | Node[2]{name->"E"} |
 1 rows, 2 ms

4.3.7. Complex matching

Using Cypher, you can also express more complex patterns to match on, like a diamond shape pattern.


start a=(3)
match (a)-[:KNOWS]->(b)-[:KNOWS]->(c), (a)-[:BLOCKS]-(d)-[:KNOWS]-(c)
return a,b,c,d

The four nodes in the path.


 | a                  | b                  | c                  | d                  |
 | Node[3]{name->"A"} | Node[4]{name->"B"} | Node[2]{name->"E"} | Node[5]{name->"C"} |
 1 rows, 5 ms