Chapter 14. Indexing

Table of Contents

14.1. Introduction
14.2. Create
14.3. Delete
14.4. Add
14.5. Remove
14.6. Update
14.7. Search
14.8. Relationship indexes
14.9. Scores
14.10. Configuration and fulltext indexes
14.11. Extra features for Lucene indexes
14.12. Batch insertion
14.13. Automatic Indexing

Indexing in Neo4j can be done in two different ways:

  1. The database itself is a natural index consisting of its relationships of different types between nodes. For example a tree structure can be layered on top of the data and used for index lookups performed by a traverser.
  2. Separate index engines can be used, with Apache Lucene being the default backend included with Neo4j.

This chapter demonstrate how to use the second type of indexing, focusing on Lucene.