14.8. An example shell session

 # where are we?
 neo4j-sh (0)$ pwd
 Current is (0)

 # On the current node, set the key "name" to value "Jon"
 neo4j-sh (0)$ set name "Jon"

 # send a cypher query
 neo4j-sh (Jon,0)$ start n=(0) return n
 | n                    |
 | Node[0]{name->"Jon"} |
 1 rows, 44 ms

 # make an incoming relationship of type LIKES, create the end node with the node properties specified.
 neo4j-sh (Jon,0)$ mkrel -c -d i -t LIKES --np "{'app':'foobar'}"

 # where are we?
 neo4j-sh (Jon,0)$ ls
 *name =[Jon]
 (me) <-[LIKES]-- (1)

 # change to the newly created node
 neo4j-sh (Jon,0)$ cd 1

 # list relationships, including relationshship id
 neo4j-sh (1)$ ls -avr
 (me) --[LIKES,0]-> (Jon,0)

 # create one more KNOWS relationship and the end node
 neo4j-sh (1)$ mkrel -c -d i -t KNOWS --np "{'name':'Bob'}"

 # print current history stack
 neo4j-sh (1)$ pwd
 Current is (1)

 # verbose list relationships
 neo4j-sh (1)$ ls -avr
 (me) --[LIKES,0]-> (Jon,0)
 (me) <-[KNOWS,1]-- (Bob,2)